New to hosting events? Or looking for help to grow your community?

Welcome to the New England 40k Open Circuit! We are a group of TOs, judges and organizers who love the community, but have learned many lessons over the years about the ups & downs of hosting events.

How can we help you?

We can answer questions about hosting events and rules plus help you build terrain and table aids. Email us at if you would like to join the 40K TO discord. Email Ryan at to join the AOS discord. The Discord is an excellent resource that you can reach out to in order to ask for rules clarifications and questions.

Want to join the Circuit?

Email Gil at to have your store added to this website map and list of partners. Please include the address, website and a photo of your store that we can add to this website.

Where to start?

Familiarize yourself with the Best Coasting Pairings app and after you’ve created your event, complete this survey to add your 40K event to our calendar. Use the 40K Circuit calendar to avoid scheduling conflicts and to attend another event to see how things go.

Need help with terrain or table mats?

Todd & Cardin are experienced 3D printers who can help set you up with terrain. Or trigger happy Gil can help you paint large batches of terrain so you don’t waste funds on rattle cans. Justin prints all sorts of objective markers and table mats straight out of Maine.

Rules, Rules and more rules

Carol and Ben have created detailed FAQs for the New England 40k community so that your players know what to expect from terrain and rules queries. The Circuit also has a formal Code of Conduct to help players understand the expectations of good sportsmanship and community.